
Grain Terminal Optimises Bearing Maintenance with Targeted Training

A Perth grain terminal faced a persistent problem: frequent and random bearing failures across various equipment, leading to production delays and potential fire hazards. DASH Engineering had previously investigated these failures, but due to the plant's age, budget limitations, and diverse failure modes, widespread solutions were difficult to implement.

Shifting Focus: Knowledge and Skills

Taking a holistic approach to improving site reliability, DASH Engineering recommended a training-based solution. By equipping the client's maintenance and engineering teams with the necessary knowledge and skills, the goal was to minimise downtime through proactive bearing management.

Tailored Training for Maximum Impact

  • Two-day program: Aligning with shift changes, the training program was delivered over two consecutive days to optimise participant availability.
  • Content focus: The core curriculum on rolling element bearings was customised to address the client's specific needs. This included a strong emphasis on:
    • Small bearing installations
    • In-situ maintenance procedures
    • Speed and contamination control

Practical Application:

The training, delivered on-site at the client's facilities, combined theoretical knowledge with practical exercises, utilising both a meeting room and a workshop space.

Empowered and Effective Teams

The impact of the training was immediate and positive. Maintenance teams are now equipped with the confidence and competence to effectively manage bearing maintenance, leading to:

  • Reduced downtime: Proactive maintenance practices minimise equipment failures.
  • Improved safety: Mitigating contamination risks reduces the potential for fire hazards.
  • Enhanced decision-making: Informed personnel can make better choices regarding bearing selection and maintenance procedures.
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